SESC case archive

27/10/2021 | Bovine

What is your diagnosis? (100)

Yay! Today we present the Nº 100 edition of our "What is your diagnosis?" section.

To celebrate we will do a special 10 question Quizz with some of the most emblematic cases of SESC since we started posting them at the end of 2008, how quickly have these 14 years passed!

The goal is to know if you are a true SESC follower, if you are prepared to face any lesion challenge that might appear in your slaughterhouse line!

Responses are anonymous and not registered, so let us know your score in the comments section at the end of the post! And take the opportunity to tell us what you think of the section, what we can do to improve it and if you have any other suggestions. You need to answer all the questions and then press the "Get results" button to get the final score and find out the correct answers.

Thank you so much for reading us and we hope you will continue to enjoy this blog for many more years to come.

We will have news on this website soon!

What caused this change in coloration in the blue rabbit carcasses?

Canals de conill amb taques de pigmentació blavosa a les extremitats posteriors.

Why did this horse have black teeth?

Coloració negra intensa de la dentició d’un cavall.

What causes these lesions in a chicken’s liver?

Remember what these black filaments in the subcutaneous fat of a pig carcass are?

What would you do with a lesion like this in a lamb lung?

Another case that made us go crazy: why did this wild boar have a purple colon?

And what is this that the inspectors of a slaughterhouse found on their toilet? 8-O

How will we classify these pig lesions on the condemnation logs?

(A and B: liver, C: cyst content, D: mesentery)

Two lesions that are frequently observed in cattle hearts:

Tall de miocardi on es pot observar un quist blanquinós d’aproximadament 1 cm de diàmetre.

Quist intravalvular atrioventricular.

What should we do if we see a pig carcass with an enlarged and hemorrhagic gastrohepatic lymph node?

2 comment(s)

  1. Pau R.

    Seguiu així. Feu molt bona feina!
    Suport essencial pels SVO d’escorxador.

  2. Pau R.

    Home, del montón tampoc, no? 7/10. Això a la meva època era un notable. També podries dir “necessites millorar”.

    En tot cas, el servei que doneu el trobo imprescindible, ja que la formació en anatomia patològica és la més necessària en un SVO d’escorxador. Encara que ens vulguin enterrar cada dia amb més “papers”.
    En tot cas, tingueu en compte que les eines que tenim (en un primer moment) són els nostres ulls i un ganivet per fer alguna incisió. Res més.

    Seguiu així.

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