Historial de consultas

22/02/2011 | Avícola

Lesiones rojizas en el intestino de pollo

Este tipo de imágenes en granja se ven relativamente a menudo, pero no hay una causa muy definida. No se considera una lesión, per se, dado que las dos explicaciones que hay son:

  • Cambios producidos durante la eutanasia. Al eutanasiar el animal se rompen pequeños vasos y forman esta imagen de puntos rojos.
  • En la literatura las asocian a áreas de hematopoyesis extramedular o áreas de congestión.

Se pueden ver tanto en animales sanos como enfermos. O sea que, en principio, no se les otorga demasiada importancia patológica.

Manchas rojizas de distribución multifocal en la pared del duodeno, se pueden observar desde la serosa.

Aspecto de la lesión desde la mucosa, una vez abierto el intestino.

4 comment(s)

  1. Oleksii Nechypurenko

    Thanks for the photos. In Ukraine we associated that lesions in dead broilers with adenovirus, Clostridium, NDV or coccidia.
    In more than 70 % of such cases adenovirus was detected (pcr+histology), more rare – clostridium spp.

  2. mohamed kamal

    I am from egypt and i saw this lesion more in field cases that usually was acompanied by high mortality and i confused between newcastle 7 and clostridia .
    so i ask if this sample under went lab diagnosis for both NDV and clostridia

    1. Syam

      In what type of chicken did u found? is it vaccinate using ND G7 vaccine? to determine the exact diagnose, you have to make sure with the other pathology lession. laboratory HI test can be done to make sure the diagnose

      1. SESC

        We understand that you suspect that these lesions are caused by Newcastle. In this case the lesions were observed in a broiler. In our region we are free of Newcastle and the broilers (unlike laying and breeding stock) are not vaccinated against this disease. Farms are regularly monitored against NDV because it is a mandatory declaration disease. In addition, usually when we see this lesion, there are no other lesions or signs that make us think of this disease (ND).

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