SESC case archive

19/07/2012 | Bovine

What is your diagnosis? (2)

The lesions shown in the images are from bufalos of the same herd.

Microscopically, in both cases, cystic lesions were observed associated to a granulomatous immfalamtory infiltrate, with abundant eosinophils.

Big intraparenquimatous cyst in the liver.

Intraparenquimatous pulmonary cyst.

An 80% of the answers were right to establish a diagnosis of a parasitic disease. The intraparenquimatous localization of the cysts pointed to a diagnois of an Hydatid cyst (both E.granulosus and E. multilocularis can produce such lesions).

From a total of 26 answers: 50% E. granulosus, 31% E. multilocularis, 12% Congenital epithelial cysts and 8% C. tenuicuollis.

2 comment(s)

  1. SESC

    Buenos dias!

    Un 81% de las respuestas han acertado que se trata de quistes de orígen parasitario. Su localización intraparenquimatosa és característica de una Hidatidosis (E.granulosus ó E. multiloculris).

    De un total de 26 respuestas: 50% E. granulosus, 31% E. multilocularis, 12% Quistes epiteliales congénitos y 8% C. tenuicuollis.

  2. SESC

    Bon dia!

    Com be ha encertat un 81% de les respostes es tracta de quists d’origen parasitari. La seva localització intraparenquimatosa és característica d’una Hidatidosi (E.granulosus o E. multiloculris).

    D’un total de 26 respostes: 50% E. granulosus, 31% E. multilocularis, 12% Quists epitelials congènits i 8% C. tenuicuollis.

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