SESC case archive

15/11/2018 | Porcine

Apocrine cystomatosis in a pig carcass

In a 6 months old, mixed breed pig carcass  the pesence of  vacuolar lesions, with brownish coloration of variable intensity, diameter less than 1cm, located among the fat of the subcutaneous tissue of the entire dorsal region were observed.

The histopathological study determined that it was an apocrine cystomatosis, that is, a cystic hyperplasia of sweat glands. It is an alteration of probable congenital origin without pathological significance or implications for public health beyond the alteration of the appearance of the carcass.

Appearance of the carcass. Spherical lesions of brownish gelatinous content are observed in the subcutaneous fat of the dorsal region.

When separating the skin they become more evident.


Detail of the lesion. From the outside no alterations were observed.

The lesions measure between 2 and 3 mm in diameter.

Histopathology reveals tubular cystic cavities coated with glandular epithelium and full of proteinaceous content.

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