SESC case archive

14/10/2024 | Game meat

Demodectic mange in a boar carcass

Skin samples were submitted  from a wild boar carcass from a game meat handling establishment. When removing the skin, the inspectors observed the presence of multiple whitish nodular lesions in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin of the animal's cranial area.

The wildlife expert pathologists who collaborate with the SESC immediately identified the lesion as demodicosis or demodectic mange. Indeed, when a smear of the contents of the nodules was performed abundant mites of the genus Demodex could be observed under the microscope .

The histological study confirmed lesions of folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles) and furunculosis (rupture of the follicle with inflammatory infiltrate) with abundant intralesional demodex.  (EV)

Multiples lesions nodulars blanquinoses a la pell d’una canal de porc senglar.

Multiple whitish nodular lesions on the skin of a boar carcass.

En fer un frotis del contingut d’un dels nòduls podem observar múltiples àcars del gènere Demodex.

By smearing the contents of one of the nodules, we can observe multiple mites of the genus Demodex.

Detall a més augments d’un dels àcars.

Detail at bigger enlargements of one of the mites.

Aspect històlògic dels fol·licles pilosos dilatats amb abundants àcars del gènere Demodex al seu interior.

Histological appearance of dilated hair follicles with abundant Demodex mites inside.

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