SESC case archive

06/02/2024 | Bovine

Annual summary 2023

During 2023,  SESC has managed a total of 136 inquiries. Of these, 22 were online inquiries and the remaining 114 corresponded to requests for laboratory analysis of samples.

Below we present a summary of this year's data. We take the opportunity, once again, to thank the collaboration and effort of the pathologists and experts in animal health from both the IRTA-CReSA, the SDPV and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UAB as well as the staff of the Public Health Agency of Catalunya (ASPCAT), especially to the official meat inspectors who, with their contributions, make the success of this page and this service possible.

Evolution of the number of inquiries submitted to SESC.

Evolution of the number of inquiries submitted to SESC.

Distribution by species of inquiries received at the SESC. The cattle sector, once again, is the one that provides the most samples, especially for the confirmation of diagnosis of zoonoses such as tuberculosis and bovine cysticercosis. Compared to previous years, there has been a significant increase in poultry and rabbit inquiries, and the absence of goat and equine inquiries stands out.

Distribution by species of inquiries received at the SESC. The cattle sector, once again, is the one that provides the most samples, especially for the confirmation of diagnosis of zoonoses such as tuberculosis and bovine cysticercosis. Compared to previous years, there has been a significant increase in poultry and rabbit inquiries, and the absence of goat and equine inquiries stands out.

As every year we highlight SESC as a tool for passive surveillance of zoonotic and notifiable diseases. This year, 8 suspected cases of ASF/CSF in pig carcasses have been reported through the SESC, all of them ruled out; 9 suspected cases of bovine cysticercosis of which 3 have been confirmed. Cases of myxomatosis and hemorrhagic viral disease in rabbits have also been declared for the first time in the history of the SESC. With regard to tuberculosis, 24 cattle suspected cases have been received (far from the 100 that would be necessary to reach a 0.1 per thousand remission of non-tuberculous granulomas established by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture). Of these, 4 have been confirmed as compatible with tuberculosis. Additionally, tuberculosis has been confirmed in 8 boars and a mycobacteriosis due to M. avium hominissuis in a pig carcass. In contrast, no granuloma of the caprine species and only 3 of the ovine species have been referred, it is necessary to remember the importance of monitoring these domestic reservoirs of animal tuberculosis.

Table 1: Summary of suspected notifiable diseases and zoonoses of the veterinarians submitting the samples and their alternative diagnoses.

SUSPICION Nº of inquiries % Confirmation of suspicion DIAGNOSTICS
Lesions compatible with Tuberculosis* 43 30% (13/43)
TBC** 13
Chronic suppurative bronchopneumonia with bronchiectasis (Mycoplasma bovis + other bacteria) 7
Pulmonary granulomas (Nocardia spp.) 3
Fungal granulomatous lymphadenitis 3
Bacterial pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis 3
Necrotizing and gangrenous pneumonia 2
Multifocal necrotizing pyogranulomatous pneumonia 2
Peripheral nerve sheath tumour 2
Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma 1
Suppurative and necrotizing splenitis and hepatitis (C. pseudotuberculosis). 1
Nonspecific liquefactive necrotizing lesion 1
Chronic granulomatous necrotizing lymphadenitis 1
Generalized miliary pyogranulomas (Saphylococcus spp) 1
Histiocytic sarcoma 1
No lesions 1
Mycobacteriosis (Mycobacterium avium hominissuis) 1
Lesions compatible with Cysticercosis 9   33.33% (3/9)
Cysticercosis 3
Eosinophilic myositis 2
Myocardial adenomatoid tumour 1
Valvular cyst 1
Benign mesenchymal proliferations 1
Minimal chronic villous peritonitis 1
Lesions compatible with CSF/ASF*** 8 0%


Possible SDNP 2
Reabsorption of blood in lymph nodes 2
Viral arteritis 1
Haemorrhagic diathesis (no specific diagnosis) 1
Diffuse cortical renal necrosis 1
Haemorrhagic cystitis 1
Summary of the suspicions of notifiable diseases and zoonoses of the veterinarians who sent the samples and other processes that have been alternatively diagnosed (number of animals, there are inquiries that may have more than one animal).

*This classification includes samples received in which, although the inspector did not suspect TB, the lesion was macroscopically compatible.

**TB diagnoses correspond to cattle 4 LCT (4 confirmed CMT PCR/culture) and wild boar 9 LCT (7 confirmed CMT PCR/culture, 2 pending).

***In all cases infection was ruled out by molecular diagnosis (PCR) and histopathological study.

Table 2: Summary of inquiries and diagnoses

Infecctious 48
TBC 11
Chronic suppurative bronchopneumonia with bronchiectasis (Mycoplasma bovis ± C. pseudotuberculosis (3), P. multocida (1), Streptococcus spp. (1)) 6
Bacterial pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis 3
Pyogranulomatous pneumonia (Nocardia sp.) 3
Rabbit Haemorrhagic Viral Disease (RHVD) 2
Chronic bacterial abscesses (Actinomyces sp.) 1
Viral arteritis 1
Hemorrhagic cystitis (E.coli? Actinobaculum suis?) 1
Orf 1
Encephalitozoonosis 2
Encephalitozoonosis + dermatophytosis 1
Abscess (Staphilococcus aureus) + Encephalitozoon cuniculi 1
Hepatitis and suppurative and necrotizing splenitis (C. pseudotuberculosis). 1
Necrotizing hepatitis (Fusobacterium necrophorum) 1
Marek's disease 2
Morel's disease or Abscess disease (Staphylococcus spp.) 1
Mycobacteriosis (M. avium hominisuis) 1
Myxomatosis + Dermatophytosis 1
Pyogranulomatous pneumonia 1
Pasteurella multocida otitis 1
Cutaneous papillomatosis 1
Generalized miliary pyogranulomas (Saphylococcus spp) 1
E. coli salpingitis 1
Septicemia (E.coli and Streptococcus) 1
Infectious sinusitis (Mycoplasma gallisepticum) 1
Suspect MVHC - no injuries 1
Fungal 9
Aspergillosis (Aspergillus fumigatus) ± bacteria 6
Fungal granulomatous lymphadenitis 3
Neoplasia 13
Squamous cell carcinoma 1
Multicentric B lymphoma 1
Myocardial adenomatoid tumor 2
Benign mesenchymal proliferations 1
Ovarian adenocarcinoma 1
Histiocytic sarcoma 1
T-cell lymphoma 1
Hyperpigmentation secondary to uterine leiomyomas 1
Hyperpigmentation secondary to arenoblastoma 1
Ulcerated oral fibroma 1
Peripheral nerve sheath tumor 2
Parasites 5
Cysticercosis 4
Parasitic hepatitis 1
Inflammatory 23
Possible PDNS 2
Gangrenous pneumonia (aspiration) 2
Minimal chronic villous peritonitis 2
Eosinophilic myositis 2
Suspected atrophic rhinitis (negative culture) 1
Inoculation point reaction 1
Possible chronic caseous lymphadenitis 1
Possible contact dermatitis 1
Insect bites + contagious ecthyma 1
Insect bites 1
Interstitial nephritis 1
Chronic granulomatous necrotizing lymphadenitis 1
Eosinophilic lymphadenitis and myositis 1
Encapsulated chronic (traumatic?) injury 1
Hypospermia and mild fibrinosuppurative focal vaginitis 1
Necrotizing hepatitis (compatible with clostridia) 1
Sclerosing hepatitis 1
Egg yolk cellomitis 1
Subcutaneous abscess in the head 1
Other 38
Telematic inquiries on various lesions in rabbit carcasses 6
Haemorrhagic diathesis of unknown origin 3
Pigmentation by carotenoids 2
Reabsorption of blood in lymph nodes 2
No injuries 2
Carcass changes 1
Bacterial fibrinonecrotizing cholecystitis 1
Fibrosis of Gisson's capsule 1
Consultation about pregnant sows, jaundice and peritonitis 1
Inquiry about age at the tip of the beak sectioning 1
Consultation on causes of skin erythema 1
Consultation on alopecic skin lesions 1
Seminal foam of the male quail 1
Hematomas in the thighs 1
Hepatotoxicity/liver ischemia? 1
Jaundice (non-diagnostic ether alcohol test) 1
Post-hepatic jaundice 1
Skin lesions trauma vs burn 1
Masculinization (without associated tumour) 1
Melanosis 1
Diffuse cortical renal necrosis 1
Loss of hepatic architecture (unknown cause) 1
Ceroid pigment 1
Chronic lipid pneumonia 1
Valvular cyst 1
Congenital liver cysts. 1
Suspected enteritis / granulomas 1
Splenic torsion 1

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