SESC case archive

07/05/2015 | Porcine

Melanosis uberis in a pig

Histopathological study showed the deposition of a brownish-black pigment (melanin) around the mammary gland ducts and blood vessels. This condition is known as melanosis uberis and has been described in pigs and bears. It is probably a congenital defect.

Black miliary lesions in the  subcutaneous fat of the ventral region.

Black miliary lesions in the subcutaneous fat of the ventral region.

At a closer look one can observe that the black spots show a filamentous pattern, tracing mammary ducts and/or vessels.

At a closer look one can observe that the black spots show a filamentous pattern, tracing mammary ducts and/or vessels.

Subepitelial, pigment-laden melanocytes (arrowheads). Pigment-laden macrophages near blood vessels (arrow).

Subepitelial, pigment-laden melanocytes (arrowheads). Pigment-laden macrophages near blood vessels (arrow).

11 comment(s)

  1. me

    but is this edible? that’s all I want to know.

    1. SESC

      Yes, it is edible. Melanosis is not of public health concern (just cells with black pigment) but, when present, the carcass might be condemned due to organoleptic alteration.

  2. F M-F

    Is there any way I can upload a picture of what I think might be malanosis uberis to add to this page?!

    1. SESC

      Thanks for your comment!

      You may the file to and i’ll ask the IT guys to post it near your comment.

  3. SESC

    Comment from Pork industry group in LinkedIn:

    By Arayan Yuenyaw
    My client also had this problem and has approved by VLDL of Vet. Chulalongkorn University As the accumulation of melanin pigment in fat layer of pig’s belly (around mammary gland – bacon part). More high frequency rate of gilt than barrow or entire pig.

  4. SESC

    Comment from Pork industry group in LinkedIn:

    By E. Wayne Johnson 朱稳森博士:
    Sometimes seen in entirely black pigs. Some times even melanin in lymphnodes and organs.

  5. SESC

    Comment from Swine health group in LinkedIn:

    By Bradford A Forkner:
    Is it possibly any way that it relates to eating canola meal? I was asked this question by slaughter house officials at WPX 3 years ago.

  6. SESC

    Comment from Swine health group in LinkedIn:

    By Gino Totté:
    Check for tannin in raw materials?

  7. SESC

    Comment form Veterinary pathology group in LinkedIn:

    By William Van Alstine
    Is this simply immature/nongravid mammary tissue?

  8. Rosa

    Quin va ser el dictàmen en realció a l’aptitud o no per al consum humà?

    1. SESC

      El dictamen va ser decomís parcial (espurg) de la zona afectada i aptitud de la resta de la canal.

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