SESC case archive

16/02/2021 | Bovine

Congenital lymphangiectasis in the pericardium of a calf

A fragment of myocardium was submitted from a 12 months old, cross-breed, male calf with an irregularly circular, tortuous lesion in the pericardium. The inspectors who refer the case wanted to rule out  a possible parasitic larval migration trajectory.

The section shows that the lesion has a lumen of 1 mm in diameter and is confined to the adipose tissue of the pericardium. The histopathological study shows that it is a lymphangiectasis which is a dilation of a lymphatic vessel, of probable congenital origin. In these cases the lymphatic vessels do not connect with other lymphatic vessels or have been obstructed by a developmental defect.

A parasitic origin of the lesion was ruled out, this is a finding with no pathological relevance.

Tortuous lesion in a calf's pericardium.

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