SESC case archive

10/05/2013 | Neoplasia (porcine)

What is your diagnosis? (10)

In a six months old mixed breed pig lymphadenopathy of the mediastinal lymph nodes was found along with obscured areas of the lungs diaphragmatic lobes.

Lymphadenopathy of the mediastinal lymph nodes and obscured areas in the lung diaphragmatic lobes.

Lymphadenopathy of the mediastinal lymph nodes and obscured areas in the lung diaphragmatic lobes.

When sectioned the lymph nodes showed a blackish-reddish coloration.

When sectioned the lymph nodes showed a blackish-reddish coloration.

Which diagnosis do you think is appropriate for the lymph node lesion?

1 comment(s)


    I think the image of the lung correspond to a mild craneoventral consolidation (pneumonia) with focal fibrous pleuritis with some areas of atelectasia in the caudal lobes.

    In this case it is difficult to diagnose a metastatic melanoma if no histopathology of the lymph node is available.

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