SESC case archive

28/07/2014 | Bovine

Whitish nodular lesions in the muscles of a cow

Even though, macroscopically, these lesions were indeed compatible with typical Cysticercus bovis parasitic granulomas, microscopic observation showed that it consisted of severe multifocal embolic-metastatic myositis. That is, purulent-necrotizing lesions with presence of bacteria most likely originated in a (non reported) primary focus in another location, such as a bacterial valvular endocarditis or a suppurative lesion in some other point of the carcass.

Yellowish nodular lesion in the masseter muscle.

Yellowish nodular lesion in the masseter muscle.

In the myocardium multiple yellowish-white lesions were observed.

In the myocardium multiple yellowish-white lesions were observed.

The diaphragm also showed multiple nodular lesions.

The diaphragm also showed multiple nodular lesions.

Sections of muscle tissue, fixed in formaldehyde, where the lesions can be observed.

Sections of muscle tissue, fixed in formaldehyde, where the lesions can be observed.

Photomicrograph of hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Muscle lesion with central necrosis surrounded by inflammatory suppurative infiltrate and macrophagic-lymphocytic reaction with evident vascular activation.

Photomicrograph of hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Muscle lesion with central necrosis surrounded by inflammatory suppurative infiltrate and macrophagic-lymphocytic reaction with evident vascular activation.

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