SESC case archive

16/07/2024 | Kidney (porcine)

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Kidney images and samples were submitted to SESC from a 6-month-old hybrid breed pig carcass. The kidney had pale multifocal circular lesions, flattened but slightly protruding, visible both from the outside and when sectioning the organ and measuring between 2 to 8 mm in diameter. (EV)

Ronyons de porc amb multiples lesions circulars, aplanades pero amb relleu, pàl·lides generalitzades i bilaterals.

Pig kidneys with multiple circular lesions, flattened but slightly protruding, generalized pale and bilateral.

Detall de les lesions en seccionar el ronyó, es pot observar com aprofundeixen en al parènquima.

Detail of the lesions when sectioning the kidney, you can see how they go deeper into the parenchyma.

Aspecte, al tall, del nòdul limfàtic renal.

Aspect of sectioned renal lymph node.

What is your diagnosis?

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