SESC case archive

18/04/2012 | Equine

Miliary lung lesions in a foal

The meat inspectors suspect of a parasitic proces, particularly strongylosis.

Histopathology revealed a multifocal granulomatous pneumonia. No parasitic strucutres could be observed. A gram staining was performed but no gram positive bacteria could be identified. Ziehl-Neelsen staining did not reveal the presence of mycobacteria either. Nor did yield a positive results the PCR or microbiological culture to isolate Mycobacteria.

The lesions detected in this case were nonspecific and infrequently seen in horses. A multinodular, widespread and granulomatous pattern such as the one described here is usually due to a bacterial, parasitic or fungal ethiology (the latter would probably be concomitant to an immunodepressed state). The negativity to the different tests performed and the abscence of parasitic structures (which are usually easily identifiable under the microscope) led to a non conclusive diagnosis in this case.

Widespread red nodular lesions miliary distributed in the lung.

Widespread red nodular lesions miliary distributed in the lung.

2 comment(s)

  1. SESC


    Recordar-vos que el SESC és únicament un servei de suport al diagnòstic anatomopatològic.

    Per consultes relacionades amb la normativa us heu de dirigir al personal corresponent de l’APS. En qualsevol cas, hauria de ser des d’allí que aportessin aquestes dades.

  2. Rosa Mari

    Això seria per tots els casos.
    M’agradaria saber la resolució que ha pres el tècnic en cada cas.
    Decomís total de la canal, només de l’organ afectat, ….
    Notificacions, declaracions obligatories, …

    Moltes gràcies!!

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