SESC case archive

07/05/2012 | Kidney (porcine)

Renal lesions in a mixed breed 3 years old sow

Histopathology revealed chronic pielonephritis with presence of suppurative exsudate in the renal tubuli. This exsudate showed a gradient from most severe to less severe from the medulla to the renal cortex. Concomitantly mutiple necrotic foci were observed in association with bacterial colonies. The particular bacterial organism has not been identified but the presence of pielonephritis points to a differential including an infection by Actinobacilum suis (formerly known as Corynebacterium and Eubacterium). This microrganism is the main ethiological agent of the cystitis-pielonephritis complex in sows.

Renal capsule hemorrhages (left). Pale kidney with irregular surface areas and parenchymal retraction.

Closer view of the renal surface changes.

Closer view of the renal surface changes.

1 comment(s)

  1. SESC

    Sabeu si es varen observar lesions a la bufeta de l’orina en aquest cas?

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