SESC case archive

05/10/2009 | Porcine

Muscle lesions in pig carcasses

Histologically a lesion called Zenker's hyaline degeneration was observed which consists of a muscle fiber necrosis, accompanied by hyalinization of fibers, edema, bleeding and slight inflammatory infiltration. This was observed in different degrees of intensity.

This lesion is consistent with a lack of reducing power (as in the case of Vitamin E and selenium deficiency) as well as porcine stress syndrome (PSE meat type: pale, soft and exudative). In the first case we would expect to find higher number of casees as it is a problem related to diet, therefore, the second option seems more likely.

The appearance of the affected muscles in the hind limb is pale and exudative. One can see small hemorrhages.

The appearance of the affected muscles in the hind limb is pale and exudative. One can see small hemorrhages.


The same lesion, but affecting discontinuously the lumbar muscles.

The same lesion, but affecting discontinuously the lumbar muscles.

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