SESC case archive

29/03/2016 | Abdominal cavity (porcine)

What is your diagnosis? (28)

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In a female, mixed breed, 6 months old pig carcass multiple whitish nodular lesions were observed, measuring between 1 and 5 cm in diameter in the abdominal cavity serous membranes. The lymph nodes were also affected.

Multiple nodules on the wall of the abdominal cavity and diaphragm.

Multiple nodules on the wall of the abdominal cavity and diaphragm.

 The renal lymph nodes are enlarged.

The renal lymph nodes are enlarged.

The serosa of the stomach also presents nodules.

The serosa of the stomach also presents nodules.

The omentum is also widely affected.

The omentum is also widely affected.

What is your diagnosis? (28)

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