SESC case archive

23/01/2018 | Bovine

Year 2017 summary

During 2017 a total of 98 queries have been managed in SESC. Of these, 14 were purely telematic and the remaining 84 requests corresponded to laboratory analysis of samples.

During 2017, 26 entries have been published in this blog in Catalan, Spanish and English language. Thirteen of them were diagnostic challenges. A total of 49.619 visits  have been recorded.

Below is a summary of the data from this year. Once again, we take this opportunity to acknowledge the cooperation and efforts of pathologists and animal health experts in IRTA-CReSA, the SDPV, and the UAB Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, as well as that of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT) staff, especially the veterinary meat inspectors whose contributions make the success of this page and this service possible.

We wish you a cool 2018 and do not hesitate to leave us your comments and suggestions at the end of this post!

This year we have had a slight recovery in the number of queries received.

Cattle and swine continue being the sectors that more queries generate. In the third place, the queries originated in game meat processing rooms, good news! Notice the low number of queries of poultry, which is the sector that slaughters more animals annually in Catalonia.

Distribution of the samples according to the diagnostic service. SDPV: veterinary pathology diagnostic service. BSL3 biocontainment level unit 3 in CReSA. NBS2 CReSA conventional laboratories. The Veterinary bacteriology and mycology service (SVBM) and the parasitology laboratories are from the veterinary school at UAB. LSAC: Animal health laboratory form Catalonia.

Top ten countries visiting ourl blog: Spain 11.240 (22,65 %), Mexico 7.840 (15,80 %), Colombia 3.932 (7,92 %), Argentina 3.866 (7,79 %), United States 3.004 (6,05 %),  Perú 2.310 (4,66 %), Chile 2.105 (4,24 %),  Ecuador 1.715 (3,46 %), Bolivia 882 (1,78 %) and Venezuela 754 (1,52 %).


SUSPECTED CASES Nº of inquiries % suspect confirmation DIAGNOSES
Tuberculosis* 29 44.8%   (13/29) Tuberculosis (13)**

Lymphadenitis/piogranulomatous bacterial pneumonia (5) form which 3 were Nocardia spp.

Pseudotuberculosis (3)

Fungal lymphadenitis (2)

No lesions (2)

Ovarian adenocarcinoma (1)

Adrenal Neoplasia (1)

Verminous pneumonia (1)

Manheimia haemolytica (1)

Cysticercosis 10   50% (5/10) Bovine Cysticercosis (5)

Eosinophylic myositis (1)

Peripheral nerve sheath tumour (2)

Parasitic myocarditis (hydatidosis?) (1)

Foreing body granulomatous glositis (1)

* This classification includes submitted samples in which, despite the fact that the inspector did not report a TB suspicion, the lesion was compatible macroscopically with TB. ** The diagnoses of TB correspond to cattle (n = 6), goats (n = 2) and wild boar (n = 5).

In relation to the previous year there has been a slight recovery in the submitted number of suspected tuberculosis lesions (from 19 in 2016 up to 29). The percentage of lesions confirmed as TB remains constant over the years around a 50%, underlining the importance of not lowering the guard and analyzing all granulomas compatible with Tuberculosis to reinforce the surveillance program of this zoonosis.


Table 2: Summary of inquiries and diagnoses
Infectious 22 Tuberculosis (13)

Pyogranulomatous Lymphadenitis/penumonia Nocardia spp (3)

Pseudotuberculosis (3)

Manheimia haemolytica (1)

Trueperella pyogenes (1)

Infectious bovine Keratoconjuntivitis (Moraxella spp) (1)

Neoplasia 14 Lymphoma (8)

Peripheral nerve sheath tumour (2)

Adrenal neoplasia (1)

Melanocytoma (1)

Paraurethral gland hyperplasia (1)

Ovarian adenocarcinoma (1)

Parasites 14 Cysticercosis (5)

Cysticercus tenuicollis (4)

Eosinophylic myositis (1)

Parasitic ,myocarditis (hydatidosis?) (1)

Verminous pneumonia (1)

Parasitric granulomatous pneumonia (1)

Cysticercus pisiformis (1)

Inflammatory 23 Eosinophilic / unespecific dermatitis (6)

Bacterial pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis/pneumonia (2)

Yellow fat disease (2)

Foreing body granulomatous glositis (1)

Colangiohepatitis (1)

Hepatitis (sample not submitted) (1)

Septic nephritis (1)

Pyielonephritis + hydronephrosis (1)

Ulcerative dermatitis (1)

Bacterial polyserositis (1)

Chronic unspecific myositis (1)

Embolico-metastatic pneumonia (1)

Pitiriasis rosea (1)

Fibrinosuppurative peritonitis (with white foam) (1)

PDNS (1)

Degenerative myositis (1)

Fungal 2 Fungal lymphdenitis (2)
Other 19 No lesions (3)

Cardiopathy (with hepatic congestion) (2)

Hemorrhagic diathesis (2)

Fat tissue necrosis (2)

Comedones (1)

Polykystic kidneys (1)

Fibrous nodule in serosa (1)

Testicular torsion (1)

Biliary cyst (1)

Embolic nephritis (1)

Jaundice and peritonitis (1)

Splenic torsion (1)

Polyoencephalomalacia (1)

Muscular necrosis (1)

Non-diagnostic inquiries 4 Inquiry about cranial lymph centers  (1)

Inquiry about stunning and lung changes (1)

Inquiry on formaldehide tissue fixation (1)

Inquiry regarding a parasite-like structure in a hamburger (1)

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