SESC case archive

02/02/2021 | Bovine

Year 2020 summary

During 2020 SESC has managed a total of 140 queries. Of these, 10 were solely telematic and the remaining 130 requests included samples for laboratorial analysis.

During 2020, 22 posts have been published in this blog in Catalan, Spanish and English. Of these, 10 corresponded to diagnostic challenges. We had a total of 175.935 visits.

Here is a summary of this year’s data. We’d like, once again, to thank the collaboration and effort of the pathologists and animal health experts from IRTA-CReSA, the SDPV and the Veterinary School of the UAB as well as the staff of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia ( ASPCAT), especially to the official veterinary inspectors who with their contributions make possible the success of this page and this service.

Evolution of the number of queries to SESC. The number of queries has decreased very slightly (10 less than the previous year) despite the restrictions caused by the COVID19 pandemic.

Distribution by species of inquiries received at SESC. The cattle sector, once again, is the one that provides more samples, especially for the confirmation of diagnosis of zoonoses such as tuberculosis and bovine cysticercosis. As in previous years, consultations from poultry, rabbit and horse slaughterhouses are minimal.

As in previous years it's time to take a look at the  granuloma counter since passive surveillance at the slaughterhouse is an essential element in the control of animal tuberculosis. In 2020 SESC has managed a total of 43 consultations that include 56 animals with lesions compatible with tuberculosis of different species. Out of these, 5 have been confirmed with mycobacteria of the of the M. tuberculosis complex, one as M.avium, one with compatible lesions but not confirmed and two pending culture results. As a summary, 16% (7/43) of the suspect cases were tuberculous granulomes. This fact must be positively analised, reflecting that the incidence of tuberculosis in Catalonia is very low and that the subsmisson of non-tuberculous granulomas has increased.

Table1: Summary of suspicions of mandatory declaration diseases and zoonoses of the veterinarians who sent the samples and other diagnosed processes.

SUSPECTED CASES Nº of inquiries % suspect confirmation DIAGNOSES
Lesions consistent with Tuberculosis* 43 16% (7/43) Fungal lesions (10)

Tuberculosis (5)**

TB compatible (not confirmed by PCR/culture) (2)

Caseous lymphadenitis (4)

Pyogranulomatous bacterial lymphadenitis (4)

Parasitic lesions (4)

Nocardia spp. (3)

Rhodococcus equii (2)

Pasteurella multoccida (2)

Non-specific granulomatous lymphadenitis (2)

Necrotizing bronconpeumonia (compatible with Mycoplasma bovis) (1)
Mycobacterium avium (1)

Lymphoid hyperplasia (1)

Abscessing chronic catharral suppurative bronconpeumonia (1)

Fibrous-granulomatous chronic pleuritis and pericarditis (1)

Lesions consistent with cysticercosis 31   39% (12/31) Bovine cysticercosis (12)

Eosinophilic myositis (3)

Valvular cyst (3)

Vascular hamartoma (2)

Arteriosclerosis (1)

Peripheral nerve sheath tumour (1)

Distrophic mineralization (1)

Fibrous non-specific lesions (1)

Calcinosis circumscripta + bacterial pyogranulomatous glositis (1)

Follicular cyst (1)

Mucous cyst (1)

Salivary cyst (1)

Bacterial pyogranulomatous glositis (1)

Cysticercus tenuicollis (1)

No lesions (1)

Lesions consistent with ASF/CSF*** 6 0% (0/6) Lymph node blood resorption  (2)

Non-specific hemorrhagic diathesis (1)

Septicemia (1)

PDNS (1)

Lymphoma (1)

* This classification includes samples received in which, despite the fact that the inspector did not suspect TB, the lesion was macroscopically compatible.

** TB diagnoses correspond to cattle (n = 4, of which 1 were not confirmed by PCR/culture but had compatible lesions), goats (n = 2, of which 1 were not confirmed by PCR/culture but had compatible lesions ), and wild boar (n=1).

*** In all cases, animals were isolated cases with ASF/CSF compatible hemorrhagic diathesis lesions but did not constitute serious suspicion, the infection was ruled out by molecular diagnosis (PCR) and histopathological study.

Table 2: Summary of inquiries and diagnoses

Infectious 33 Anaplasma ovis (6)

Tuberculosis (5)

TB compatible lesions (not confirmed by PCR/culture) (2)

Caseous lymphadenitis (C.pseudotuberculosis) (4)

Lymphadenitis due to Nocardia spp.  (3)

Pasteurella multocida (2)

Staphilococcus (2)

Lymphadenitis due to Rhodococcus equii (2)

Necrotizing bronconpeumonia (compatible with Mycoplasma bovis) (1)

Orf (1)

Ovine enzootic pneumonia (1)

Septicemia (E.coli) (1)

Necrobacilosis (comp. Fusobacterium spp) (1)

Marek’s disease (1)

Mycobacterium avium (1)

Neoplasia 10 Lymphoma (4)

Peripheral nerve sheath tumour (2)

Vascular hamartoma (2)

Papilloma (1)

Nephroblastoma (1)

Parasites 25 Bovine cyisticercosis (12)

Hydatidosis  (3)

Consultation on the presence of larvae in diagnosis of Triquina (3)

Besnoitiasis (1)

Cysticercus pisiformis (1)

Cysticercus tenuicollis (1)

Enquiry about Ascaris suum (1)

Parasitic granulomas  (1)

Branchial copepod (1)

Ovine cysticercosis (muscular) (1)

Inflammatory 27 Pyogranulomatous bacterial lymphadenitis (4)

Eosinophilic myositis (3)

Non-specific granulomatous lymphadenitis (2)

Muscel abscess (1)

Bacterial arthritis (1)

Abscessin chronic pneumonia (1)

Steatitis (1)

Ovine respiratory complex (1)

Chronic cholangitis (1)

Enquiry about artritis (1)

Calcinosis circumscripta + bacterial pyogranulomatous glositis (1)

Bacterial pyogranulomatous glositis (1)

Corneal hyperkeratosis (1)

Abscessing hepatitis (1)

Jaundice/peritonitis (1)

Chronic intersticial nefritis (1)

Fistulizing panniculitis (1)

PDNS (1)

Septicemia  (1)

Fibrous-granulomatous chronic pleuritis and pericarditis (1)

Fungal 10 Fungal lymphadenitis (10)*

*one case also hald lung fungal lesions

Other 33 Valvular cyst (3)

Lymph node blood resorption  (2)

Muscular necrosis (2)

Haemolitic anemia (2)

Folicular cyst (1)

Mucous cyst (1)

Salivary cyst (1)

Arteriosclerosis (1)

Melanosis uberis (1)

Irregular blood distribution (1)

Non-specific hemorrhagic diathesis (1)

Jaundice (1)

Fibrois non-specific lesions  (1)

Inclusion serous cysts (1)

Toxic hepatopathy (1)

Reorganized bone traumatism (1)

Polycystic liver and kidney (1)

Lipomatosis mucular (1)

Dermal keloid  (1)

Testicular torsion (1)

Distrophic mineralization (1)

Generalized heptic Necrosis (1)

Pigment deposition in the intestinal mucosa (1)

Hepatic lipoidosis (1)

No signiticant lesions (1)

Lymphoid hyperplasia (1)

Non-diagnostic enquiries 3 Enquiry about wooden chest disease in poultryl.

Enquiry about lambs and swine carcasses with jaundice.


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