SESC case archive

30/11/2022 | Abdominal cavity (bovine)

What is your diagnosis? (111)

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Samples were submitted from an 11-month-old calf with multiple nodular lesions of a hard consistency (mineralized) in the liver, on the peritoneal side of the diaphragm, kidney and mesenteric lymph node. (EV)

Lesions al fetge, a la dreta un cop obertes es pot observar la superfície a la secció.

Multiple lesions in the liver, on the right  the surface upon section can be observed.

Múltiples lesions al nòdul limfàtic mesentèric.

Multiple lesions in the mesenteric lymph node.

Lesions a la cara peritoneal del diafragma.

Lesions on the peritoneal surface of the diaphragm.

What is your diagnosis? (111)

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