SESC case archive

16/10/2023 | Rabbit

Any given day in a rabbit slaughterhouse (2023)

Last July we organized a practical workshop on identification and description of injuries for official slaughterhouse veterinarians. For this, we collected condemned viscera and carcasses  from several rabbit slaughterhouses, which were the subject of discussion during the session.
In this entry, a couple of lesions are documented from which samples were also collected in formalin for histological study. (AC)

Els patòlegs i col·laboradors del SESC, Natàlia Majó i Carlos López-Figueroa, van conduir la presentació de cassos del SESC de aviram.

SESC pathologists and collaborators, Natàlia Majó and Carlos López-Figueroa, led the presentation of rabbit SESC cases.


Pulmó dret de conill. S’observa un envermelliment i augment de consistència ben delimitat, afectant les regions cranioventrals dels lòbuls pulmonars. En tallar una porció de teixit pulmonar consolidat, s’enfonsa en aigua, mentre que la resta de teixit sura.

Rabbit right lung. A well-defined redness and increase in consistency is observed, affecting the cranioventral regions of the lung lobes. When  cutting a portion of consolidated lung tissue, it sinks in water, while the rest of the tissue floats.

Histològicament es confirma la consolidació pulmonar, es a dir, la obliteració de l’espai aeri degut a exudats. En aquest cas es pot veure com les víes aérees tenen un exsudat més dens (és a dir, més basòfil, per la presència de nuclis), mentre que els alveols tenen menys cèl·lules inflamatoris, i abundant edema. A majors augments (inset) es pot veure que l’exsudat es composa principalment d’heteròfils i – en menor mesura – de cèl·lules mononuclears.

Histologically, pulmonary consolidation was confirmed, that is, the obliteration of the air space due to the presence of exudate inside the alveoli and bronchioles. In this case you can see how the airways had a denser exudate (that is, more basophilic, due to the presence of nuclei), while the alveoli had fewer inflammatory cells, and abundant edema. At higher magnifications (insert) it can be seen that the exudate is composed mainly of heterophils and - to a lesser extent - of mononuclear cells.

Catarrhal-suppurative bronchopneumonia is very similar between species, both for the lesions observed and for its pathogenesis. It is always the result of a noxa (almost always bacteria) that gains access to the lungs through the airways. Any agent that is able to interfere with the functioning of the mucociliary barrier will facilitate its development. The agents most commonly isolated in rabbits are P. multocida (isolated in this case) and B. bronchiseptica.


Carcassa de conill, en la que s’observen acúmuls de material purulent-caseós en el teixit subcutani i muscular, amb distribució multifocal i irregular; així com formació d’abscessos.

Rabbit carcass, in which accumulations of suppurative-caseous material are observed in the subcutaneous and muscular tissue, with multifocal and irregular distribution; as well as abscess formation.


Histològicament es confirma la presència de múltiples lesions abscedificants (en ocasions irregulars), composades de molt abundants heteròfils viables i degenerats, delimitats per una càpsula fibrosa gruixuda. Aquestes lesions subcutànies (en ocasions es poden trobar disseminades en cavitats toràcica o abdominal) són el producte d’infeccions bacterianes, quasi sempre Pasteurella multocida, que guanyen l’accés al teixit subcutani (aïllada en aquest cas).

Histologically, the presence of multiple abscessing lesions (sometimes irregular), composed of very abundant viable and degenerated heterophils, delimited by a thick fibrous capsule, is confirmed.

These subcutaneous lesions (sometimes they can be found disseminated in the thoracic or abdominal cavities) are the product of bacterial infections, almost always Pasteurella multocida, which gain access to the subcutaneous tissue for example through small wounds or injections.

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