SESC case archive

17/04/2023 | Rabbit

Myxomatosis in a batch of rabbits.

We received an inquiry regarding a batch of 300 rabbits in which 10 of them displayed lesions in the ante-mortem inspection, mainly regarding facial tumefaction, inflammation, and alopecia. The main suspicion of the official inspectors is myxomatosis. Three carcasses and facial skins from different animals were submitted to perform its anatomopathological study and eventually confirm or rule out whether it’s a case of myxomatosis.

Myxomatosis is a disease that affects lagomorphs (rabbits and occasionally hares) and it’s caused by viruses from the leporipoxvirus family (hence it’s a poxvirus). The disease is generally severe and has two distinct presentations: classic or cutaneous and respiratory or amyxomatous. Given its severity and repercussions in the industry and animal health implications, it is included in the list of mandatory declaration diseases of rabbits.

In the carcasses (without skin due to the slaughter procedures) the main finding was pulmonary cranioventral consolidation in all the carcasses, with different severity. At histopathological evaluation, a subacute interstitial pneumonia was diagnosed, which was mild in two carcasses and severe (with hyperplastic and necrotizing components) in the third. Also, mild suppurative tracheitis and rhinitis were observed. Myxomatosis can cause interstitial pneumonia in its respiratory presentation (with a proliferative – hyperplastic component), however in this case the histology was not fully conclusive.

However, the study of the skins revealed skin thickening and crusts in the regions of the ears, ocular conjunctiva, and snout. Additionally, the nares presented a dense yellowish exudate adhered to the skin and crusts of the snout. At its histopathological study, it consisted of a hyperplastic dermatitis associated with a myxoid proliferation of the dermis. Additionally, intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies characteristic of poxvirus were seen in the keratinocytes and fusiform cells in the dermis (classically named myxoma-cells). All these findings are compatible with the diagnosis of myxomatosis. Additionally, fungal structures compatible with dermatophytes were observed in the hair follicles of these skins (ringworm).

 Lung and skin samples were submitted to the national reference laboratory for confirmation by means of molecular diagnostic. The presence of myxomatosis virus (classic strain) was confirmed by PCR in all the samples studied. Once again, the intervention of the veterinarian official inspectors was successful in diagnosing a disease of mandatory declaration such as myxomatosis.  (AC)

Conill que presenta una marcada tumefacció i engruiximent de la pell a la zona de orella, conjuntiva i musell. A més, s’observa exsudat groguenc dens a la conjuntiva ocular i narines.

Rabbit that showed a marked tumefaction and thickening of the skin in the region of the ears, conjunctiva and snout. Additionally, yellowish dense exudate could be seen in the ocular conjunctiva and snout.

Conills amb lesions similars a les comentades anteriorment, amb un mal aspecte general del pèl, i àrees multifocals engruixides de la pell.

Rabbit with similar lesions, with general bad appearance of the hair and multifocal areas of skin thickening.  

Extensa àrea de consolidació cranioventral als lòbuls cardíac i diafragmàtic drets, de coloració grisosa.

Extensive areas of cranioventral consolidation in the cardiac and diaphragmatic right lobes, displaying greyish coloration.

Dermatitis proliferativa i conjuntivitis en una de les pells rebudes.

Proliferative dermatitis and conjunctivitis in one of the skins.

Lesions similars a les observades anteriorment, a la regió del musell. A més, s’observa exsudat groguenc dens a les narines (rinitis supurativa).

Similar lesions to those seen previously, in the snout region. Additionally, yellow dense exudate can be seen in the snout (suppurative rhinitis).

Secció histològica de la pell, on s’observa hiperplàsia de l’epidermis amb degeneració hidròpica dels queratinòcits, així com abundants leucòcits intraepitelials (realitzant exocitosi). Aquests canvis histològics també afecten a l’epiteli dels fol·licles. La dermis subjacent presenta inflamació mixta, així com proliferació de fibroblasts de gran mida, associats a una matriu lleugerament amfòfila i laxa (mixoide).

Histologic section of the skin, in which hyperplasia of the epidermis could be seen, accompanied by hydropic degeneration of the keratinocytes and abundant intraepithelial leukocytes (performing exocytosis). These histological changes also affected the follicular epithelium. The underlying dermis shows a mixed inflammation as well as proliferation of large fibroblasts, associated with a lax and slightly amphophilic matrix (myxoid).  

Detall dels canvis histològics de l’epidermis. Ocasionalment s’observen cossos d’inclusió intracitoplasmàtics en queratinòcits (fletxa).

Detail of the histologic changes in the epidermis. Occasional intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies could be seen in the keratinocytes (arrow).

Secció de pell en la que es poden observar tots els canvis anteriorment esmentats. Addicionalment es poden observar estructures fúngiques arrodonides a la perifèria d’un pèl al seu fol·licle, compatibles amb dermatòfits (fletxa).

Skin section in which all the above-mentioned changes can be seen. Additionally, fungal rounded structures can be seen in the periphery of a hair in its follicle, compatible with dermatophytes (arrow).


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