SESC case archive

09/05/2023 | Bovine

What is your diagnosis? (115)

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A 14-month-old veal carcass presented a very marked yellowish coloration. Despite this situation often occurred in its farm of origin, this case was more exaggerated than normal and the inspectors submitted fat samples to do the alcohol-ether test to rule out jaundice due to bilirubin accumulation.(EV)

Canvi de coloració groguenc intens en una canal de vedella.

Intense yellowish color change in a beef carcass.

Detall de la canal, el teixit adipós presenta una coloració groguenca evident.

Detail of the carcass, the adipose tissue has an obvious yellowish coloration.

Resultat de la prova d'alcohol èter. S'aprecia un canvi de coloració groguenc molt intens en l'èter, però no en l'alcohol.

Result of the alcohol-ether test. A very intense yellowish color change is seen in ether, but not in alcohol.

What is your diagnosis? (115)

3 comment(s)

  1. dr m.hosseini histopatologist (phD)

    hi thanks a lot for your information
    please tell me in patologi jundice which color will be found in alcohol and which percentage of alcohol is needed for this test

    1. SESC

      Yellow. 50%.

  2. Manuel Rodríguez

    Es bueno recordar de vez en cuando casos como el descrito para tener fresca la memoria.

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