SESC case archive

09/01/2024 | Ovine

Septicemia due to Staphylococcus spp. in a lamb carcass

Samples were submitted of a 5-month-old ovine carcass from a batch of 28 animals, which presented disseminated lesions throughout the carcass, including liver, lung, spleen, subcutaneous tissue of one limb and lymph nodes. The lesions were small in size, and although it was a lamb, official meat inspectors suspected it could be tuberculosis, hence samples of the different affected organs were submitted to SESC.

Macroscopically all studied viscera presented a generalized multifocal distribution of the lesions, which were of a small size (millimetric, occasionally coalescent), as well as a hard consistency and white color. When sectioned, they revealed a necrotic core which slightly crepitated.

Histologically the lesions corresponded to multifocal areas of lytic necrosis with abundant degenerated neutrophils in their center. The were delimited by a rim of foamy macrophages and a thin band of mature fibrous tissue (early capsule) and variable mononuclear inflammation. Moreover, the necrotic core was frequently mineralized and presented abundant bacterial colonies (cocci) occasionally grouped in tetrads and surrounded by eosinophilic and slightly refringent material (Splendore-Hoeppli material). The morphologic diagnosis was of multifocal to coalescent, severe and chronic pyogranulomatous, necrotizing hepatitis, splenitis, pneumonia and fasciitis, with intralesional bacteria.

These findings were enough to conclude that the lesions were caused by a bacterial septicemia and to rule out tuberculosis. To further define the ethiology of the lesions, a gram stain revealed that the cocci were gram positive. In addition, a microbiological culture of the lesions enabled the isolation of abundant colonies of coagulase positive Staphylococcus  in the different samples analysed (liver, hepatic and mediastinic lymph nodes).

The distribution of the lesions (multifocal and generalized) is indicative of a bacterial systemic dissemination. However, the focal localization in the subcutaneous tissue in the posterior left limb suggests that the portal of entry of said bacteria was a cutaneous injury in this region, enabling further dissemination to the viscera. We remind the importance of analysing carcasses in case of gross lesions resembling tuberculosis, in this case the macroscopic appearance of the lesions was not clarifying due to their small size.(AC)

Melsa de xai que presenta lesions multifocals nodulars mil·limètriques blanquinoses, sobretot evidents un cop seccionat l’òrgan.

Lamb spleen that presented white, multifocal nodular millimetric lesions, mainly apparent when the viscera was sectioned.

Fetge de xai que presenta aquestes lesions amb distribució multifocal generalitzada, prominents a la superfície hepàtica.

Lamb liver presenting the same lesions with a multifocal miliary generalized distribution, prominent through the hepatic capsule.

Detall del mateix fetge, en el que es pot observar l’aspecte de les lesions. Presenten una mida molt petita, tot i que en ocasions s’agrupen formant lesions de mida més gran. També es pot observar que aprofundeixen a la secció i que presenten contingut necròtic/purulent l’interior.

Detail of the same liver, revealing the appearance of the lesions. They present a very small size, although they often coalesce and create larger lesions. Also, the cut section reveals lesions within the parenchyma and the necrotic/purulent content within the lesions.

Pulmó de xai amb presencia de lesions similars, amb distribució multifocal generalitzada (patró de pneumònia embolico-metastàtica o de disseminació sistèmica bacteriana).

Lamb lung which presents similar lesions, with a multifocal generalized distribution (pattern of embolic pneumonia or bacterial systemic dissemination).

Lesions a l’extremitat posterior esquerra, entre el teixit subcutani i la fàscia muscular. Histològicament, la naturalesa d’aquestes lesions era la mateixa que les anteriorment descrites. La presencia en aquesta única localització en el teixit subcutani suggereix que una lesió cutània en aquesta zona va ser la via d’entrada.

Lesions in the left posterior limb, between the subcutaneous tissue and the muscular fascia. Histologically they are identical to the rest of the lesions. Their presence in this only localization within the subcutaneous tissue suggests that a cutaneous lesion in this region was the portal of entry.

Detall histològic d’algunes de les lesions, on es pot observar com s’agrupen en unir-se els centres necròtics creant lesions de mida més gran.

Histology of some of the lesions, which shows coalescence of the lesions upon contact of the necrotic cores.

Una de les lesions individuals, on es pot observar el centre necròtic mineralitzat entre les restes necròtiques i de neutròfils degenerats. Es troba demarcat per macròfags espumosos, teixit fibrós i infiltrat mononuclear. A més augments (inset) es poden observar abundants cocs rodejats de material eosinòfil intens (Splendore-Hoeppli).

One of the lesions, in which the mineralized core can be seen within the necrotic debris and degenerated neutrophils. It is demarcated by foamy macrophages, fibrous tissue, and mononuclear infiltrate. At higher magnification (inset) abundant cocci are observed, surrounded by intense eosinophil material (Splendore-Hoeppli).

La tinció de gram revela que els cocs observats són gram positius, consistent amb la identificació de Staphylococccus spp.

Gram stain reveals that the cocci are Gram positive, consistent with the identification of Staphylococccus spp.


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