SESC case archive

08/08/2023 | Kidney (porcine)

Any given day in a pig slaughterhouse (2023)

Last June we organized a practical workshop on the identification and description of lesions for official meat inspectors. For this reason, we collected viscera that were declared not apt for human consumption in two swine slaughterhouses, which were the subject of discussion during this session. In this post some of the lesions that were observed are collected, as well as its histological study. (AC)

El patòleg expert en porcí Quim Segalés (IRTA-CReSA, UAB) va participar en la discussió de les lesions observades en vísceres declarades no aptes.

Pig expert pathologist Quim Segalés (IRTA-CReSA, UAB) participated in the discussion of the lesions observed in viscera declared unfit.

Case 1

Pell i paret abdominal. Una de les vísceres decomissades consisteix en paret abdominal (incloent pell, musculatura abdominal i superfície peritoneal parietal). Es trobava adherida amb una porció de melsa per la cara interna. Presenta una gran tumefacció localitzada, que a la palpació fluctua.

Skin and abdominal wall. One of the condemned viscera consisted in abdominal wall (including skin, abdominal musculature, and peritoneal parietal surface). It was attached to a portion of spleen by its inner surface. It presented a big, localized tumefaction, which fluctuated upon palpation.

Al tallar-la, s’observa que consisteix en cavitats quístiques delimitades per bandes de teixit fibrós i plenes de líquid serós.

When cut, it consisted in big cystic cavities delimited by bands of fibrous tissue and full of serous fluid.

This finding is compatible with an hygroma of the abdominal wall. It is a very chronic lesion and without much clinical significance. These lesions tend to appear when animals continuously rub parts of their bodies, generating a sterile chronic inflammatory lesion with fibroplasia.

Case 2

Ronyons de porc. S’observen árees multifocals coalescents envermellides a l’escorça dels ronyons. És destacable la distribució propera als pols renals, doncs és molt sugestiva de pielonefritis.

Porcine kidneys. In the cortical surface of the kidneys, multifocal to coalescent reddish areas can be seen. Remarkably, the distribution of the lesions within the renal poles is very suggestive of pyelonephritis.

A pyelonephritis is the ascendent inflammation (from the urinary tract) of the kidneys by bacteria. The papillae in the poles of the kidneys of the pig (due to anatomical conditions) are much more susceptible to urine reflux and hence, bacteria usually gain access to the renal tubules easier in these regions.

A la secció es podien observar que els focus a la superfície de l’escorça es corresponien amb àrees envermellides amb distribució radial a l’escorça. També es poden observar petèquies a la pelvis renal.

When sectioned, these foci could be observed as reddish areas in the cortex with radial pattern. Petechia in the renal pelvis could be also observed.

Histològicament es va confirmar la presència de pielonefritis, observant-se grans acúmuls de neutròfils als túbuls renals (Fletxa).

Histologically it was confirmed the presence of pyelonephritis, observing big accumulations of neutrophils within the lumen of renal tubules (arrow).

També es va observar inflamació crònica a la pelvis (fletxa) i microhemorragies (asterisc), que també eren evidents macroscòpicament.

Chronic inflammation in the pelvis (arrow) and microhemorrhages (asterisk) were also observed, which were also macroscopically evident.

Case 3

 Pulmons de porc. En el lòbul diafragmàtic del pulmó esquerre es pot observar una lesió ben circumscrita, prominent, consolidada, amb una coloració molt envermellida (hemorràgica) i amb flocs de fibrina sobre la superfície pleural (fletxa).

Porcine lungs. In the right diaphragmatic lobe of the lungs, a well circumscribed lesion could be seen, which was prominent, consolidated and with a reddish coloration (haemorrhagic and probably necrotic), with fibrin clots on the pleural surface (arrow).

Detall de la lesió a la seva secció.

Cut section of the affected lung.

All these features are characteristic of a fibrino-hemorrhagic and necrotizing pleuropneumonia. Usually, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and other high pathogenicity bacteria are the causal agents, and are characterized by a suppurative bronchopneumonia in which a haemorrhagic and necrotizing component is overimposed due to the generated toxins.

Histològicament es poden observar necrosi, hemorràgies, gran exsudació de fibrina i necrosi dels vasos i trombosi.

Histologically necrosis, haemorrhage and abundant exudation of fibrin can be observed.

Case 4

Pulmons de porc. En aquest cas s’observa una lesió molt similar en distribució. No obstant, la lesió presenta una coloració més aviat pàl·lida i molt indurada (fletxa).

Porcine lungs. In this case  a lesion was observed which was similar in distribution. However, this lesion presented a rather whitish coloration, and was hardened upon palpation.

 A la secció presenta acúmuls de contingut purulent a caseós en un patró irregular (sovint anomenat cartogràfic).

At the cut section, big accumulations of purulent to caseous content can be observed in a irregular pattern.

This lesion is the consequence of the cronification of the anterior lesion (fibrino-necrotizing pleuropneumonia). If the animal survives the acute phase (occasionally associated to antibiotic treatment or previous vaccination), the pulmonary tissue often undergoes coagulative necrosis, and a thick fibrous capsule is generated with the intention of circumscribing the necrotic lesion. This phenomenon is known as pulmonary sequestration.

Detall histològic d’aquesta lesió. Es poden observar extenses àrees de necrosi coagulativa del teixit pulmonar (encara és evident l’estructura alveolar, asterisc) així com denses àrees d’infiltrat inflamatori (fletxa).

Histologic detail of this lesion. Abundant areas of coagulative necrosis can be observed (alveolar structure is still evident, asterisk) as well as dense areas of inflammatory infiltrate (arrow).

El teixit necròtic està delimitat per una càpsula gruixuda de teixit fibrós madur (asterisc), sent un intent del teixit viable de demarcar el teixit necròtic (segrest pulmonar).

The necrotic tissue is delimited by a thick capsule of mature fibrous tissue (asterisk), being the consequence of viable tissue demarcating the necrotic tissue (pulmonary sequestration).

Case 5

Fetge de porc. En aquest cas veiem una lesió ben coneguda, l’anomenat fetge amb taques de llet.

Porcine liver. In this case we observed a common lesion known as milk-spotted liver.

These lesions are attributed to migration of nematodes (such as Ascaris suum, and less frequently, Stephanurus dentatus), which produce foci of necrosis and inflammation. When resolved, these tracts leave a scar of fibrous tissue that involves the hepatic lobules, frequently associated to lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic inflammation (chronic interstitial hepatitis).

Detall de la secció de dos fetges: sa (dreta) i afectat (esquerre). Al fetge sa s’observen els lòbuls hepàtics molt finament delimitats per teixit conjuntiu. En canvi, al fetge afectat s’observen àrees multifocals irregulars de dipòsit de teixit fibrós, que envolten i comprimeixen els lòbuls adjacents (hepatitis intersticial).

Detail of section of two livers: healthy (right) and affected (left) . In the healthy liver, the hepatic lobules were finely delimited by scant fibrous tissue. In contrast, the affected liver showed multifocal irregular areas of fibrous tissue deposition, which circumscribde and compressed the adjacent lobules (chronic interstitial hepatitis).

Secció histològica dels fetges anteriors. A la dreta (fetge normal) es pot observar una molt escassa quantitat de teixit fibrós entre els espais porta dels lobels hepàtics. En canvi, el fetge amb taques de llet (a l’esquerra) presenta àrees multifocals de fibrosi, que envolten els lobels, amb una molt marcada infiltració d’eosinòfils (insert). .

Histological section of the livers. On the right (normal liver), scant fibrous connective tissue can be observed between portal tracts. In contrast, milk spotted liver (on the left) presents multifocal areas of fibrosis that envelope the lobules, with abundant eosinophilic infiltration (inset).



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